Law Enforcement Exhibition, Training, Networking
Citizens of Sevierville can rest easy knowing that Tennessee’s finest will be in town from July 20-24 2015 for the Tennessee Sheriffs’ Association Annual Conference. Held at the Sevierville Event Center, this conference offers training and networking opportunities for Sheriffs, Chief Deputies, Jail Administrators, and other Law Enforcement Personnel.
The purpose of the Tennessee Sheriffs’ Association is:
To promote better and more effective law enforcement; maintain a high level of ethical conduct on the part of all sheriffs, their deputies, and their jail administrators; provide a forum for the exchange of knowledge and experience among all sheriffs; establish the highest degree of cooperation among the law-enforcing agencies in the State of Tennessee; bring the sheriffs of the various counties into close association and to promote cooperation in the conduct of the laws of Tennessee pertaining to the apprehension and prosecution of persons violating the laws of Tennessee; improve and encourage greater efficiency in the administration of sheriffs’ offices and to protect the welfare and interest of the members of the association.

Visit for Membership Information
The annual conference is an important gathering not only for additional training, but for networking and sharing on the job experiences. Just as important, the conference provides a relaxing, welcoming environment for ‘down time’ enjoying family and fellowship.
The conference kicksoff Monday, July 20 with an 8 a.m. shotgun start golf tournament. Beginning Tuesday morning at 10 a.m., the training begins with a full schedule through Thursday evening:
Monday, July 20
Convention Center East Concourse
10 a.m.–4 p.m.: Registration & Exhibitors Set-Up (All Conference Attendees Check-in at TSA Registration)
7–8 a.m.: Golfer Check-In (at the Sevierville Golf Club)
8 a.m.–12:30 p.m.: Shotgun Start & Tournament
12:30–1:30 p.m.: Lunch for Golfers
Tuesday, July 21
Exhibit Hall A
10 a.m.–4 p.m.: Law Enforcement/Exhibitor Training (All Day with our Exhibitors)
1–2 p.m.: Presidents Reception
Wednesday, July 22
Exhibit Hall A
10 a.m.–1 p.m.: Law Enforcement/Exhibitor Training
11:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m.: Vendor Luncheon – Exhibit Hall A
12–1 p.m.: Vendor Prize Drawings (Each Exhibitor should display bowl for attendee’s business cards for prize drawing)
1–3 p.m.: Vendors Break-down
1–4 p.m.: Law Enforcement Training
5–7 p.m.: Vendor Sponsored Pig Roast Social
All Registered Law Enforcement, their Families & Event Sponsors
Thursday, July 23
10 a.m.: Law Enforcement Training & Elections
Friday, July 24
11 a.m.: Conference Adjourned / Check Out
There will be a hospitality room each night of the conference for casual social networking with karaoke for all Sheriffs, Chiefs, Jail Administrators, and guests.
For information on this or the 2016 conference, visit the Tennessee Sheriffs’ Association online.
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